Saturday, 7 March 2015

Ida (2013)

March Around The World 2015 Challenge - Poland

I tend to review films from an emotional point of view and thought it'd be fun to try a more technical perspective for Ida.

Rarely will you watch a film as consistently beautifully shot as Ida. Every shot is balanced and framed with the majority using the golden ratio, or divine proportion (note the use of a spiral staircase in one scene), with lots of negative space and the action offset, focusing attention on the subject whilst also giving it room to breathe. The academy ratio of 1.37:1 is perfect for this style of composition, being almost square. Everything about Ida is studied, harmoniously and perfectly positioned.

So, what's it about?

The dichotomy between the persecution of Jews during the Second World War (and before) and the resulting uptake of post-war Roman Catholicism and the consequent personal, religious and national guilt in a western influenced, post-Stalinist Poland.

Every shot brought a smile to my face and from a technical point of view I cannot give anything other than five stars.


Original letterboxd review

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